


How To Stop Mansplaining To Your Date


Have you been told that you have a tendency to "mansplain" to women? This is not a compliment, my friend, and something that you need to change ASAP! We've got you covered though - we're going to teach you how to stop mansplaining to your date. It's important that you catch yourself if you're doing this, so that can stop, take a step back, realize that you're kind of being a dick.

Mansplaining is not a good quality for a man to have, because it says a lot about his character, none of which are particularly positive. If you don't what it is, that's okay, we're going to tell you. It's condescending and rude, but thankfully, it's easy to turn away from. All you have to do is stop talking at your date, and turn things into a conversation - ask her questions about herself, or her opinions on the subject, without assuming she's clueless.

What Is Mansplaining?

Mansplaining is more than just its formal definition, which is the act of a man explaining something to a woman in a patronizing manner. Mansplaining also gives a particular impression of you as a man, and these things are not what you want your date to think about you if you're hoping for a second one, or to get laid. It's a common term, but the act itself it something that almost every man has been guilty of at some point or another, whether they were talking to their date, their sister, mother, etc. Some guys just never grow out of the habit.


Understanding the negative connotations behind mansplaining will help you better understand why it's such a bad thing to do, and why it's important to steer clear of it on any and all future dates - and interactions with women in general.


Mansplaining, frankly, makes you look ignorant, because it essentially says that you can't possibly believe that the woman you're talking to wouldn't possibly know more about that topic than you. It's wholly done out of the assumption that you have to explain something to her in the first place, when maybe she already knows all about it. It's not something that well-rounded, confident men do, but it's something that guys who think they might be smarter than their date definitely do.

If you think that you're smarter than you're date, we're not saying that you're not right, all we're saying is that you can't act like you think that. You can't just go ahead and explain every little thing to her, assuming that she doesn't know better. Maybe she doesn't, but assuming that is an ignorant thing to do, and leads to bad things.


At its core, to be very frank, mansplaining is a condescending. The tone of your voice when you're doing it automatically changes, becomes patronizing, which is never something you want to be to a date that you're will be successful. As soon as you take on a condescending tone and start mansplaining something to her, your chances of not only getting her to go home with you are over, your odds over seeing here again are zero.

This can especially become a problem if you're dating a younger woman. You probably assume that you know more about most things than she does, just due the age difference, you might be very wrong. She might a highly educated young woman who you've just insulted and ruined your chances with because you made this mistake. Don't worry, though, we're going to help you and tell you how to stop mansplaining to your date.


Mansplaining to a woman is just plain unflattering, and is the fastest way to lose her interest in you or going out with you again in the future. It does not make you look good or smart to explain something to your date when there's no reason for you to be doing so. Assuming that she needs you to explain the wine list, for example, and what makes a good wine isn't in good taste - for all you know she's a wine connoisseur and knows twice as much as you do about the subject. If you have an interest in wine that you want to share, simply ask her about her interest in it as well. That way, you can start a conversation based on mutual interest, instead of just talking at her about something she already knows all about. We'll get into this more later on.

How To Avoid Doing Mansplaining


Now that you know what mansplaining is, we're going to tell you how to stop doing it to your dates. As we said, it's a terribly unattractive and negative trait to have, so if you think you may be guilty of doing it, take note of what we're about to tell you so you know how to stop and prevent yourself from doing it further.

It's actually very easy not not mansplain to your date, especially now that you know what to look for, so it shouldn't a difficult change of pace for you. You'll likely find that it improves not only your success at dating, but it'll improve your relationships and interactions with women in general. Nobody likes to be talked down to, so don't do it to the women in your life. Here's how to stop.

Watch Your Tone Of Voice

This is a big one. It's so easy to take on a condescending tone of voice when you're explaining something that you feel that you're an expert in, but it's very important that you take note of this while you're on dates. You will never get a second date if you continue to talk to women this way; nobody appreciates being talked to like this, so why would someone you want to sleep with want to be talked to like their stupid? They don't.

It's easy enough to watch how you're talking to someone. Keep your tone light, and most important, watch her reactions to what you're saying and how you're talking. How she reacts and feels will give you all the feedback that you need about how you're talking to her, so listen to yourself, and listen to her body language to see if you need to change course.

Choose Your Words Wisely

The old saying "think before you speak" is a good one, and is very relevant to dating. When you on a date with a new woman, especially a first date, you need to watch you're saying - you don't want to just blurt out whatever comes to mind. This includes having a nervous tendency to mansplain. As long as you know that this is something that happens to you, you can make note of it and change your words before you say them.

For example, saying something seemingly innocent like, "Did you know..." and pairing it with the wrong tone can come off as the start of a mansplanation. This phrase itself is ok, but you want to make sure you're pairing them with a light tone of voice. Words and tone are big together, so keep that in mind when you're on your date.

Make It A Conversation

If you think you might be getting into mansplaining territory, you can change course pretty quickly by turning it into a conversation. Ask her what she thinks on the topic. Get her talking, and then continue naturally into conversation from there. The worse offense of mansplaining it talking at her and not letting her speak, so if you recognize that this is happening, cut yourself off and get her input; get her involved in what you're saying, and you're no longer in danger of mansplaining to her.

This is also a good opportunity to advance your date in the conversation department. Simply derailing your potential mansplaining ramble can lead to a very interesting and meaningful talk between you two, so even just making simple changes and asking simple questions can help the course of your date big time!

Signs That You're Guilty Of Mansplaining

You might be guilty of mansplaining to your dates, but you might not know it! There are some signs that you might be a mansplaining offender, so you can recognize this in yourself, and change it now! After reading the rest of this article, you probably have a good idea of what you're looking for, and you might already recognize that this is something that you do. Still, if you're unsure, you can take some clues from what we're about to tell you are signs that you might be a mansplainer.

If you do find that you have done this in the past and want to make sure you don't do it again in the future, just follow our tips from above, and notice the things we've mentioned already. For now, these are some tell-tale signs that you're probably guilty of this unfortunate dating phenomenon.

You Don't Get Many Second Dates

If you've always had trouble getting a second date when you thought the first one went pretty well, you might need to consider the possibility that you mansplained her. No woman wants a repeat of a bad date that involved the guy talking at her and patronizing her the whole time, so this could be a clear indicator that mansplaining could be the cause of your lack of success here.

If you think this could be why you can't seem to get another date, look back at how those dates went. Do you feel like you might have talked too much? Did she seem defensive at any point? If the answer is 'yes', then you need to change your dating convo tactics. Add more questions to your future dating conversations, so you aren't the only one talking the whole time.

You Tend To Most Of The Talking

As we mentioned, if you're the one who spends most of the date talking, there's a good chance that you spent a sizable portion of that time mansplaining. Think about it, and ask yourself the questions we asked you above. Look back on your past dates, and assess whether or not you were the only one talking the majority of the time. Did you ask her any questions about herself at all? Do you know anything about her after that date? If the answer here is 'no', then you're guilty.

It's easy to change this, though, like we said. All you need to do is ask her questions so it's a mutual conversation, and not an unrequested lecture from you. When you're on a date, you both want to be talking, not just one of you, so remember that next time you go out. When in doubt, ask her a question and get her talking.

You've Been Told That You Do

This is the easiest way to tell if you've done it in the past, and that is if you've been told that you have a tendency to mansplain! If you've been told this once, it's still worth taking note of how you interact with the ladies, and how your date conversations tend to go. You may have only done it once or twice, but you can easily change how you interact with women.

If you've been accused of mansplaining multiple times, however, you need an immediate mansplaining intervention! Your dating habits and conversation tactics need to change ASAP, or you'll never yourself a second date, or a partner, and even worse, your risking your chance of being able to get a girl into your bed ever again! Don't go your usual date convo route, because it clearly not work, and you should take note of our suggestions above - they're super easy, and they really do work!

More Important First Date Information

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How To Stop Mansplaining To Your Date

Have you been accused to mansplaining? That's not a good thing! Lucky for you, EasySex gives you the best tips on how to stop mansplaining to your date.

How To Stop Mansplaining To Your Date