


How Not To Let Social Media Ruin Your Relationship


Social media has taken over the majority of interactions and this is also true when it comes to dating and relationships. People use social media to communicate with each other, sharing what is going on with their lives with their online friends and followers. Everyone wants to use social media to brag about their new boyfriend or girlfriend or to vent about their breakups. Social media can be the place where people go to over-share. There are many benefits to using technology like meeting new people to hook up with on online dating sites like EasySex.com. Plus, hookup dating is easier when it is done through dating sites. All the best dating advice advises using social media sparingly. Not over-sharing and scheduling regular social breaks can help keep your relationship from being ruined. It can be tempting to want to share everything about your life and your relationship. But over-sharing social media can also have a negative effect. To keep your relationship from being ruined by social media, you need to know when to post and what to share. If you share too much, your partner might feel uncomfortable with that, but sharing too little can make your friends and family think that there is a problem with your relationship that you are not revealing. Social media invites people to be nosy.

You should never share something on social media that you would not be careful sharing in your real life. When it comes to figuring out what to post, it should always depend on how comfortable you are with strangers potentially knowing that kind of information about you.

Social media is filled with people talking about their relationships by sharing cute photos and messages between dating partners and making other people think that everything is perfect all the time. People who see these photos might find themselves being envious of these perfect relationships but people choose what to post on social media. Just because a couple looks like "relationship goals" does not mean that they actually are. Social media is all about selling an idea of you that is not entirely truthful and seems perfect all the time. The truth is that relationships are not perfect and if people are having problems, they will not want to share that on their social media accounts and profiles. At the same time, people tend to overshare on social media, telling everyone their private business. Revealing every little thing about their partner and their relationship, including fights, problems, and private messages.

Keep Things Private

The first thing that you need to understand when it comes to relationships and social media is that people will often share too much. Intimate photos, private messages, and arguments can all be revealed by either one of you but you should refrain from sharing this kind of information. Those kinds of intimate details and encounters can come back to haunt you and your partner. As soon as something is on social media, it no longer belongs to you even if it is on your private accounts. Before posting anything, ask yourself if you would be comfortable sharing it with the people in your life.


If you want to share private photos of you and your partner, you should always ask them first before posting anything. You would not want them to post anything where you look bad, sloppy or photos where you are drunk. The same goes for nude photos that your partner shared with you privately. You would not want someone to share personal information without asking you and you should give your partner the same courtesy. It is better to ask permission. If you do not ask them and they end up having a problem with it, it could cause an argument.

Posting anything on social media invites people to comment and not all those comments are going to be helpful. There should only be two people in your relationship and if you are having an argument, it is a good idea not to share it on social media. If you want to post things on social media, consider putting your profiles on private so that only people that you want can see them. You can always private certain photos and comments so that you're the only person that can see it.

There is another reason that you should be careful of what to share on social media and that is to keep other people from getting involved in your personal business. Picture this: you and your partner are having an argument and suddenly you have a whole bunch of people weighing in on the argument. It can make it hard to hear each other over the noise. Your friends mean well, but they are obviously going to be on your side which makes it hard for them to be objective. Having too many people weighing in on the argument can actually make it worse. A problem that could have been easily dealt with between the two of you can escalate very quickly when you share it on social media. You want to make sure that your partner knows that they are your priority. You can do this by making sure that they are comfortable with how your relationship is being reflected on social media as well as keeping your personal business private.

Don't Compare Your Friends' Relationships to Yours


On the whole, social media is very one-sided and only tells one person's version of their story. Social media is very subjective and never reflects the whole picture of a relationship. If you are looking at your friend's photos on social media and seeing the cute vacation albums and loving messages, you might feel envious of how perfect their relationship looks. Not all relationships on social media are as wonderful as they seem. People who post hundreds of photos of their partner with cute pet names might be fighting every single day and barely spending time together, but their social media accounts make it like they are the perfect couple.

The appeal of social media is that you can present yourself any way that you want to. You can make yourself seem more interesting and outgoing than you actually are.

To keep social media from ruining your relationship, do not compare it to other relationships. Everyone's relationship is different. Your partner might not be the most affectionate in photos, but that does not mean that there is anything wrong with your relationship. You might be envious when you look at all the cute vacation photos but that will only hurt your relationship in the long-run because those negative feelings will grow and escalate over time. This kind of envy can make you feel resentful and dissatisfied in your own relationship. If you are feeling envious or dissatisfied in your relationship, talk to your partner about it so that you can find a solution. If you do not, it can ruin your relationship.

To combat negative feelings like jealousy and envy, do not compare your friends' relationships to yours. Instead, think of all the good things in your relationship and everything that you love about your partner. This will help you keep negative feelings away by reminding you to be thankful for what you have. Also, it is important to remind yourself that not everything on social media is the way it actually is in real life. Just because someone looks really happy in photographs does not mean that their relationship is happier than yours. Do not let your relationship feel like a competition by comparing it to other relationships on social media.

Do Not Air Out Your Dirty Laundry

If you want to keep your relationship from being ruined, keep your personal fights and problems off of social media. On social media, a small problem can quickly turn into a bigger fight when other people get involved. Your friends might think that they're protecting you or defending you but the truth is that most of the time, they are just offering an opinion that is not exactly helpful. Too many comments from other people and interference from your friends and followers on social media can an adverse effect on your relationship and can lead to its ruin. Your friends will take sides and they might even personally attack your partner. Also, posting things on social media never shows the whole story and your followers and friends will be weighing in on a situation without getting the whole story which can cause problems with your relationship. A picture is worth a thousand words but it does not mean that the words are an accurate reflection of the situation.

If you have a problem with your partner or your relationship, just tell them in person. Do not send passive-aggressive messages or call them out on social media. It will make the situation so much worse and they will feel personally attacked which will make them defensive. When people are defensive, they are not willing to listen and you will never be able to find a solution to your argument. Hiding your feelings behind social media is not going to help anything. Relationships require work and if you are not willing to put anything into it, then it is going to end badly.

Social media can set impossible relationship standards and getting caught up in what is going on online can hurt your relationship. When you are arguing with your partner, you should never let an argument last too long. When you are willing to talk with your partner about your relationship privately, they will be more receptive and understanding. Any arguments need to be discussed between the two of you only and not shared with your friends, family, and followers. If you have a problem, it is better to talk to your partner about it in private.

Take A Social Media Timeout

To help keep your relationship safe, consider taking a break from social media. Sometimes you can get too caught up in the virtual world that you forget about the real world. Often in today's modern world, people who are dating get caught up in showing off their relationship on social media and only do things if it will make a good photo. From updating their status to posting couple photos, people want to show off their relationships with all their followers. Soon, everything that they and their partner do is filtered through social media and eventually, they stop enjoying time together. Do not get caught up in social media relationship statuses, instead, leave the phone behind and just go out and enjoy time together. Not everything you do needs to be photographed and shared and taking a break from social media can help you reconnect with your partner and make real memories that will strengthen your relationship.

Taking a break from social media reminds you that there are other things that matter besides likes and follows. It can help you gain some perspective on your relationship and make it seem more intimate. It can remind you why you like each other and can give it a bit of a refresh when it is feeling a little stale. Take some time to just be together. Plan trips and nights out, talking and laughing, and reconnecting with your partner are all important activities. The way we understand and communicate with the people in our lives is through social media but when you take a break from it, it can help you realize that there are other ways to communicate. In today's world, people are very divided and isolated from each other and it takes effort to take the initiative and interact with someone in-person without technology.

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How Not To Let Social Media Ruin Your Relationship

Learn how to manage your relationship in the Digital Age EasySex.com's guide with the top dating tips to keep social media from ruining your relationship.

How Not To Let Social Media Ruin Your Relationship