The Top Bisexual Sex Forum Reviews Bisexual Sex Forum Site Review



I love this place! Love it! is my home on the web and for many, many reasons. I will start with saying I'm a bi mommy with a need to let some steam out once the kids go to their dad's place. So I found this place here and it's been wonderful. I've made some great friends and have even managed to find myself a nice lady to be a sexting partner. Yay! I mean yeah, I'm excited and excitable, but you have to understand that I have finally decided to be myself and let things flow as they must. That meant separating and starting a new life. My new life has the real me in it and it's so freeing!! After doing that, I wanted to learn more about bisexuality and other forms of sexuality since I wasn't sure where I stood, so I hit up the web and this place popped up. At first I thought I was pan, but with more research and talking with people who know their stuff, I identify as bi and I am not willing to hide it! I'm super open about it, my friends know, my mom knows, my work probably doesn't need to know but I'm not hiding it. That means I can do this here and review the site, but I can also speak freely to anyone who needs a helping hand in the dark or who just needs someone to talk to. I am open to any kind of talk right now and it feels so good!

ABOUT: is where I landed when I started my research and I'm really happy about it. I mean so really happy! I found the place along with a few others and I have figured out that LGBTChat was the best place to start since I wasn't sure if I was bi or pan at first so I wanted to see all my options and understand how everything works. From what I gathered, I'm bi and I love the site, so I stuck around. So far I've met new friends, learned a lot, actually a ton, and I have been able to welcome a baby bi with open arms when she was so desperately lost. I'm a mommy first and an anything else after, that means work, friends, and all come second that. However, I think being a mom has given me a great way seeing things when it comes to nurturing. I believe that is what I bring to the site while others bring knowledge, excitement, enticement, etc. The site has so many members and so many discussions that everyone can find something for themselves on here. I know I have and I am sure you will to! Come see, take a look around, and make up your mind. We don't mind, unless asked, and we will be here for all your talking needs no matter what about. I am glad I am here and finally able to just be me, come be you with us and you will see how good the people on this sex forum are.


-So many great people on here, you will meet a bunch of new friends here and you will be super welcome to join us all in the fun of talking about everything.

-The site is clear and there are moderators so no one is nasty to anyone. The rules are not exactly strict but it's better to follow them lest you get banned.

-Sticky threads at the top of the forums should be read and participated in if you feel the need or if you want to support those who need support.

-The site is free to use, but there are ads. Don't like the ads? You can donate $5 and make them go away forever. I've donate more than that and I am glad to support a supportive place like

-You can see who's online when you get on so that you know who you can talk to.

-You can also see who was online that day and not just at the very moment you are. That option is not for me, it feels like I don't really care who was on and only about who is on right now.

-Bisexual and pansexual threads are marked as so with purple and blue flags respectively.

-There is a trigger warning tag and that is so appreciated.

-Your screen name and avatar do not have to be the real you, so you can be safely hidden behind your keyboard if you feel the need to or just want to be extra cautious.



Come see the forums and people (like me!) on them at and see where you can get answers if you are questioning yourself or your sexuality. There are plenty answers to be had here and if you can't find your answer, ask a question, members will gladly assist you. The sex talk is sprinkled along the way, but there is so much more on here. There is so much information to be read and learned. It's a great resource for understanding bisexuality, pansexuality, and other sexualities that your school and parents may not have approached with you. Here you can get all the answers you need no matter what and with a side of honesty and love. I'm here for the love if you need it by the way. I will gladly virtually hug all of you. If you are looking for something a bit sexier, check out some of the more adult threads and carefully contact members that participate in them if you are interested. I did that and found myself a great lady to chat with on the regular. She has greatly helped with figure myself out and learn what works for me and what doesn't. Members here are great for that and great for some fun too. Seek up out, contact us, join us and see what is in store for you here. It's all great surprises, no bad stuff, some come and see for yourself. I'm so glad I found and I will happily share the place with anyone who might need it like I do.

Read all the Bisexual Sex Forum reviews at!

  • is such a freaking great place! I don't want to swear on here so I will be careful not to get too excited like I get on the forums. I've sworn a few times and not gotten in trouble with the moderators so that's great. The moderators on here are fantastic. They welcome you and they make sure things run smoothly for everyone by having some ground rules that is you break them, you get a warning and if you keep going, they will eventually ban you. I'm glad this is in place, it keeps abusers away and makes it safer for all of us using the site. The place is comfortable to spend time in and you can easily lose track of time when you're having fun or reading a thread that is particularly interesting. I've been here for just a bit and I have learned so much about bisexuality and I have been able to fully identify as a bi woman from what I read around the place. I am glad that things are out in the open here, but I'm also glad you don't have to put your actual name up on the screen, because not everyone can safely come out still. Someday though we will have that. For now, we are safe here, we are together here, and we are a lot of fun. The idea of having a place like this is something that I never even thought of and now I gladly donate every once in a while to make sure the place stays up and free for those who need it.

  • Given the state of things on, finding bad things about it is hard! I mean I love them so much. They have given me so much. If anything, I wish there was an easier way to reach out to the young ones on there who are looking for answers about themselves and may not have the acceptance they need at home. I want to be able to just be their mama bear and hug them all. It's going to be ok kiddos. In the meantime, when I see someone that is looking like they might need it, I'll contact them so that they know someone is there for them. As for me, I've been contacted by quite a few people but have only interacted by a few. While the forums are well-monitored, the private messages are not, so sometimes, a creep or two will slide into your messages and be annoying. You can report them, but you can't know until you open the message. That would be basically all that I find not great on It's great here and I may still be in my honeymoon phase, but I really think that and I really love what they do for the bisexual community (and other communities too since it's really inclusive here). I will be here though, so if anyone needs help, just do not hesitate and come see mommy bear. If you don't feel like talking, come just read and you'll see that the moderators keep it nicely safe and I would bet you'll join us soon! Bisexual Sex Forum Review.

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