The Very Best Asian Sex Forum Reviews Asian Sex Forum Site Review



If you are new to the Asian fetish world you may not realize that even within this niche genre there are even more sub genres. One example is that there are many countries included when you say "Asian." Some folks my prefer Indians, others may have a fetish for Japanese. An even more specific sub genre is what this review is focusing on: Black men who date Asian women. You may be thinking that this is too niche to have its own sex forum site but you would be wrong! In fact, this sub genre is so popular it has its own word: Blasian. Blasian can also refer to Asian men who only date Black women or even Asian women who date only Black men, or even Black women who only date Asian men. However for this review of, I'll be focusing on the Blasian that covers black men who only date asian women, since that is what this forum, Blasian World on is all about and I am a Black man who only dates Asian women.

I lived a long time and never realized my sexual preference or fetish had a word or even that it included more than just me! When I discovered, it was really eye opening because for the first time I didn't feel completely alone. It gave me a space to explore my sexuality and find exactly what I was looking for.

Read on to find out more about what I love about the Blasian World sex forum.


Now technically the Blasian sex forum is part of a much larger sex forum site. But don't let that fool you: Blasian hookups and relationships are definitely popular enough to have their own standalone sites but I definitely prefer this one over all of the rest. In order to participate in the forum topics and to send other members messages you must be a member yourself. It's free and super easy to join so really there shouldn't be anything stopping you! Once you join, you can start chatting and interacting with other members pretty much right away. Some sites have a probation period where you are locked from doing certain things until you "prove" yourself but I'm happy to report that this sex forum site does not follow that practice!

Once you've joined the site and set up your profile, it's time to peruse the forums! There are a lot of different topics that you can engage with or comment on. And definitely start your own to get a ball rolling if you see an opportunity to start a new conversation! The best way to break the ice on a message board is by interacting. I used to lurk in the shadows at the beginning because I was too nervous to make a move but that meant I rarely saw any action. Now I know to dive right in on new forums so members can get to know me and trust me. This should be your strategy too!


- Super secure and anonymous site. You do not have to reveal your real identity if you do not want to. As well, all of the chats and photos and what not that you add to the site are totally safe from hacking. This is one of the most secure sites out there!

- In order to make connections right away, be sure to fill out your profile and signature. These are both spaces that you can make your own so people can see what you are like and what your personality is. This is another easy way to help break the ice and it also shows you're a real person and not some sort of bot.

- Definitely upload a picture as your avatar. It doesn't have to be you but profiles without pictures tend to get overlooked by other members!

- Along with the forums, you can send private messages and media to other members.

- Try to search function to find members in your specific area.

- The Blasian World forum includes main forum sections: Announcements, Discussion Areas, Relationships, Lifestyle, Arts and Crafts, and Miscellaneous.

- The very first forum you should go through is the Announcements one, as this is where you will find the thread where you can introduce yourself and other important site announcements.

- The Discussion Area is where all the action is, with topics like Blasian World Lounge, Black Community, and Asian Community.

- Relationships is where you can find the more specific Black Men Who Date Asian Women section. And if you are curious about other Blasian sub-genres, you can find them there too!



Before I end this review, there is one more thing that I think is worth mentioning about the Blasian World sex forum and in general. was initially created as a mobile forum site. This means that it is meant to be used on a phone. You can definitely access the site via a desktop browser but it is the best on a mobile browser or even via the app. As a person who is into technology, it's so great to be able to access the Blasian community right from my phone. I mean, how cool is that? A l lot of sex forums out there, as great as they are, are just not built for mobile use. But I am on my phone more than a desktop so that is where I want to connect with the Blasian community and have my kinky chats.

So there you have it! Are you interested now in joining the Blasian World sex forum? Have you already signed up for the site and are browsing the forum topics and members? I bet you are and I don't blame you! When I first found the site I too signed up instantly. And I have to say it was one of the best decisions I ever made! I've been able to connect with members of the Blasian community and hook up, both online and in real life, with more hot Asian woman than I can count.

For even more great Asian Sex Forum reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • How do I choose just a few things to write about in this section?! I've honestly thought about it for a long time as I want to make sure I highlight the best of the best. But at the same time, I feel like the whole site is the best of the best! After all, I did rate it a 5 out of 5.

    However, if I had to pick one thing about the Blasian "Black men who date Asian women" sex forum, I would have to pick how this forum exists on a larger site. Yes, there is definitely something nice about having your own stand alone site for a very niche sexual preference like "Black men who date Asian women." I think being on a larger site is way, way more valuable though. This is because from this one site I can still access, if I want to, other fetishes or interests. If I am interested in exploring other facets of the Blasian World community, like "Asian women who date Black men" or "Black women who date Asian men," I can do it here without having to join another site and make another log in somewhere. And of course there is even more to the site than just Blasian World! is a whole website devoted to building communities so you can easily find more things that spark your interest! Basically I like to think of it as having accesss to a whole buffet. Maybe I'm only interested in one type of food right now but it's nice to know I have other options right there too.

  • Cons? Ha! What are the cons to this site? I mean, I did rate it a 5 out of 5. But I suppose in an effort to be as fair and just as possible, it could be a good idea to highlight some of the minor things that I think could be improved on the site or that I wish were different.

    The main thing is how spread out the members are. There are a LOT of members in the Blasian World community! However, they are from all around the world. This is because is a global company that attracts members from all over. Because of this, I often chat with people from Japan or Europe or even just in a different state. I have to admit that it is sometimes rare to find another member in my exact city. It's definitely not impossible and I've had plenty of good real life hookups, but they aren't as plentiful as some of the other sex forum sites I've been a part of! This is, of course, partially due to how nice this sub-genre fetish is. But never fear: to make up for the spread out community, has done a really good job at making sure that community members can still enjoy each other and play with private messaging and video capabilities. And I have to say it can be a thrill to connect with an Asian hottie who is halfway around the world. Asian Sex Forum Review

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