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Get Wild With Yucaipa Hunks And A Casual Encounterin California
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a light in the world of shadows
Yucaipa, California
A contagious neuro-ego-disease. A virus sticking to liars. We're the self-centered fuel to boost the new strain of fire. Adapting, shifting, lacking opinion. Our numbers exceeding the billions. Everly walking among ourselves down the corridor of chameleons. Continue through the skein of boughs, navigate to keep you straight on track. Make the right ramification-turns. Conceit will be your allied guide. Climb the hierarchy ladders invisibly, veiled by the canvas of putrid dreams. Every obstacle surmountable to the clouded vision you've conceived. Scan the wall of truth for cracks. Your prey the secrets hiding therein. Feed upon its nourishing intestines to bring you forth in the "game" With every single step taken on the road of games called success, There's a fee for every lie. The currency Your dissolving integrity. Will you make it to the top of the tree? Is the fortune there to be found? Chameleons are a short-lived breed. Maybe fate will find you dead on the ground.