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Interested in mutual enjoyment.
Seattle, Washington
I'm just a regular guy looking for a regular girl who thinks the arena for sex should not be limited to hiding under the covers with the lights turned off. I am lean, exercise regularly and like to run, so my stamina is good for lengthy encounters. I enjoy taking turns at who is in control and have had the most exquisite intercourse when my partner and I share the perception, discipline and communication skills to repeatedly come to the edge of climax and then ever so slightly pull back. I call this brinkmanship, which can last for hours, and when the release finally comes it's very intense. This is just one way I enjoy sharing and exploring the pleasures of intimacy. What are you in to? I'm not into bondage or anything that degrades or humiliates. I am new to this site and I am still trying to differentiate between real emails and bot banter, so if you are real tell me "I am real".