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Passive man seeks a sweet, honest and agressive woman
Gilroy, California
First off, under Eye color, I put other.... they used to be blue, but the inner 1/2 turned green over the years, just like my blonde hair got very dark over the years.... Genetics =) My real name is Alan. Im an outgoing and fun-loving guy thats full of energy and new ideas. People always tell me i'm smart, and always ask me why I don't get a good job doing something technical (a job where my abilaties are actually put to use), but I feel that I want to pursue that as a future hobby to support myself, rather than use it for others' benefit. Im a little quiet and shy at first... but I warm up quickly (especially with insentive), am quite a pushover [but I stand behind me beliefs, and don't give in to people that aren't even a slight challenge]. I lack dominance... so I'm told, and sometimes need a good kickstart =) I have a medical marijuana perscription, so yes... I smoke pot =) and yes, I do share. I don't drink much, but I do drink socially when the mood is right. I love to have fun... try new and extreme things, and I guess you could say I've probably been there/done that. with a few straight-foreward things that I would never do. [Like, really, I don't need to smoke crack to know It's bad, I just look at the people around me] Most of the time I go by the name of JaredKaragen, thats how most people know me; and it's my DJ name. [DJ Karagen] so look around for me at events or elsewhere, cause people I meet always say; "Do I know you? You look very fermilliar"... I have been everywhere in the world except a few places Europe, Iceland, Greenland, Australia and Africa. (I dont think the North pole and antartica count as a place to be in the world. anyways a place to go as a tourist) I do plan to take a backpacking trip for a month or 2 in Europe coming up soon.. but I aint going alone =) Also I live at a head shop, and work at a movie theatre. I like the life of _easy_ work, rather then back-breaking work!