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Let's have some fun!
Phoenix, Arizona
Hellooo! I"m just simply searching for what most of us out there, who have half a brain cell and a good sense of humor, are looking for. I"m tired of game playing and all the meat marked competition that goes along with the bar scene and nightlife in arizona. I decided to put up an add to try and really get to know someone without the usual distractions and see who they are from the inside out. Yes, looks do count, but that only gets someone so far. I'm a very passionate and witty individual who would love to find someone I can simply click with (no pun intended) and that I can get to know without having to put on a facade or explain why it is that I don't drive a Jag. Sorry Scottsdale. ) So if you fit any sort of the above then please please email me ) Otherwise, I'm a not so typical guy graduating with a Fine Arts degree who loves adventure, spoiling the right person, hockey and holding hands...though not necessarily in that exact order.