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Meet A Cheating Husband In Carbondalein Pennsylvania
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head in the clouds, feet stuck on earth, life is in between
Carbondale, Pennsylvania
typical homo sapiens, expected quantity of digits, tried shaving pubic area, but electric razor got knotted up, end of that experience. If you feel a tug on your leg, that's just me pulling it. I'm 6 foot, 165 lbs more or less, blue eyes, dirty blond hair and yeah, it's that color, of course I shampooed it, (is shampooed a real word, sounds like a fake body function). Anyway, I have a sense of humor. Don't have any bizarre deformities or personality abberations. I had hair halfway down my back but I got into a fight with a buzzsaw and the buzzsaw won, so now my hair is like John Kennedy short. Life is short, I like to laugh. I'm fair to middlin lookin or so's I hear tell. So what do you look like?