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Meet Albuquerque Guys For Adult Datingin New Mexico
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I am a Man looking for a Woman.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, if you were to ask me if I'd ever consider the online thing, I would probably answer, "no." However, after careful consideration....what's the big deal? It's not my top choice as far as meeting, "the one" goes...but, that's not what I'm looking for...I have tons of patience and I know that if she exists, we'll find each-other. All of my friends and family will tell you that I'm a loyal person, trust-worthy, affectionate, caring, kind-hearted and genuine. Why is it so hard to find someone?? I'm also extremely funny, sarcastic and easy going , I love spending time with my family, especially my 2 year old son. I love ...Although I'm in medicne I've always had a little voice telling me that I should be more creative...I like to paint!!I WORK HARD BECAUSE I LIKE TO PLAY HARD and it's important to make life your own...build it from the ground up, the rest will fall into place. I'm not opposed to going out and partying, but I don't make it a weekly habit.....for the last few years, it's really something at the bottom of my list...staying in and watching a movie, kicking your butt at a video game or a game of pool or a nice night out doing something romantic is MUCH more appealing. I think if you make it an every now and then adventure...it becomes just that, an adventure. It's important to surround yourself with good hearted, positive people. I used to trust everyone