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Find Love With Hot York Menin Nebraska
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Come As You Are
York, Nebraska
Well I am only 18, but dont underestimate me I am capable of some wild shit. I would also like to add I do NOT look nor ACT 18. I can hang with the older crowed and even come to surprise most of them with my outlook on life. Honostly I dont find the point in relationships past the friend stage. No good ever comes of it and a lot of time is wasted by being commetted to someone. Im young and I want to have as much fun as I can while I can. I do not live at home with mommy and daddy I am 18 and self supporting. I have a 2 bedroom house in Waco Nebraska. And get with me I garuntee a good time. I have long black hair and brown eyes, I do bite and pull hair so if you cant take it dont bother reading on. I dont do it on purpose I just cant help it. And I am very aware that with women size does matter and all I have to say is that Im well taken care of in that department. No bullshit you want to see I will more and happy send you a picture just send me a email