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Sticks and stones...
Durham, North Carolina
I'm either going to end up with creativity brownie points or blocked for this... Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me. So throw me down, tie me up, smack my ass, I like it rough. I'll be your slut if you dare but watch out, I BITE, beware! Now that that's out of the way here's the rundown on me. Student in my 4th year of college just completely tired of the social scene here. I'd like to meet someone a little older than me that knows what they're doing. If you're on the younger side, but confident and not just hype, don't hold back. I devote my time to school, followed by research, and then my puppy -sorry ladies, he's been waiting 5 months to go play fetch, so unless you're extra special he wins. I also run track so my coach usually likes to kick my ass around for being constantly late. I've recently began working a research position in my field of major. At work I'm surrounded by solo male lab geeks twice my age. At night I've grown tired of the bar scene in Durham and more frequently go to clubs in Raleigh. Looking for some fun and new people that are the life of the party. Lots of fun promised but that's it; I'm not looking for anything serious. I've been buried with the new job as well as other commitments and we all know how it is when things get really busy... Doesn't make the horniness go away, just makes it all that much more frustrating. Looking to meet people to keep some excitement in my private life. If a mutual ongoing friendship develops great, but I don't have any expectations in mind one way or the either. I guess we'll just have see how things develop. Must be "D/D/D" free. -- disease, drug, **DRAMA** free.