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Enjoy A Hookup With A Man In Rochesterin New York
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straight single man
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I'm rad, isn't that enough?
Rochester, New York
- My name is Matt. - I'm 18. - I'm a big fan of Spider-Man. - If I had my way, I would be him (and in a few years, I just might be). - I'm a sophomore at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT, or RIoT for the cool ) - I'm majoring in Biotechnology. - I have no interest in Biotechnology. - I don't know what the fuck I'm doing majoring in Biotechnology. - I love movies! - If I had my way, I'd switch to a film major, although I don't think it would be smart. - I enjoy randomness. - I'm overweight. - I think I subconsciously follow Groucho Marx's belief that "I just don't want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member." - I lived in Arizona from the ages of 6-15. - I hated it, but now I miss everyone I knew. - I have only kept in touch with a select few people. - Some of the people that I even keep in touch with weren't 'great' friends while I was there. - I miss being in highschool. - I tell people I'm old, yet I'm 18, and everyone says I'm an idiot. - I wish I was 14 again, just not as fat as I was. - I feel like I wasted my years. - The is most certainly wasted on the young. - I think black people smell different, though I'm not racist, it's just something I notice. - I don't trust anyone. - I have some great friends. - I don't understand myself most of the time. - I'm different. - I'm the coolest person you will ever talk to. - I think in poetry and abstract thoughts. - People who leave the theatre during the credits bother me... people put a lot of effort into them, the credits should be watched. - I like assertive girls -) so make a move. - I'm a masochist. - I enjoy a good orange soda. - I have a gap between my front teeth. - I dye my hair more than I should. - I love my hair more than most things. - I'm often depressed. - I'm a paranoid pessimist with obsessive compulsive tendencies.