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When Can I breathe Once Again
Butler, Pennsylvania
I'm 5'8" about 140 pds., blonde hair, blue eyes, athletic build, and single for about 4-5 months. College educated, good job, my own place, I have a new Mitsubishi Eclipse, I'm a smoker, drink occasionally on the weekends with friends. I don't have a digital camera or any photos of my self downloaded, so thats why I couldn't or can' put any on for my description, trust me, I'm not or wouldn't be embarrassed to put a photo of my face or any area of my body online. I play ice and roller hockey 2-3 nights a week, I'm in a golf league, couple of bowling leagues, and a fast-pitch softball league. I'm just looking to have a good time and meet some new people, possibly maybe take it a little further than that if the so-called great sparks fly. I have been told by numerous girls and girlfriends that I'm Mr. Perfect and the best person that anyone could ever find in their life. I'm not lying, nor do I have any reason to, and I'm not gloating, just trying to prove a point what kind of a man I am and could be for a special lucky lady out there. I just don't have a lot of time to ever go out and meet someone, and if I do, I don't have a pair of balls to go up to and talk to someone I think is really hot, and not out of my league.