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Make The Most Of Local Dating With Warwick Guysin Rhode Island
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everything you can imagine is real
Warwick, Rhode Island
Dependent on the occasion or phase of the moon, I can be SUAVE, SOPHISTICATED, CHARMING, while slightly ROGUISH Like James Bond and without the license to kill. ) GOOFY and MISCHEVIOUS The man who still loves silly jokes and acting the fool sometimes at inappropriate times. SENSITIVE and COMPASSIONATE In the words of a great song, Lean on me, when youre not strong and Ill be your friend Ill help you carry on. I know its a little cheesy to quote some lyrics, but it couldve been worse Ill be there for you when the rain starts to fall Ill be there for you etc. SENSUAL or just downright NAUGHTY If the chemistry is there, its all good and, yes, Ill be there for you. ) ADVENTUROUS and OUTGOING Willing to take charge and boldly go where no man has gone before or just pass me the guitar and its show time. EASY like Sunday morning Sometimes just kicking back or going with the flow is where Im at particularly on Sunday mornings. CONTEMPLATIVE, INTROSPECTIVE, or PENSIVE Im creative and a thinker its a big part of who I am and what I do. Sometimes purposely, sometimes unknowingly, I get all internal to ponder new ideas or solve a problem. ROMANTIC, TENDER and LOVING Big believer in making each other feel special and appreciated. Surprise weekend getaways candlelit dinners massages warm embraces chivalry the works. Im all of this and a bag of quirks. So what are you waiting for?