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Try An Affair With Men In Schenectadyin New York
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bi-curious single man
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They mostly cum at night...mostly (and sometimes during the day)
Schenectady, New York
I am a 28 year old male, 5'7", Blue eyes, Brown hair, naturaly light tanned skin tone, recently released from the military (Army) with an honarable discharge. I am Married and my Wife and I keep no secrets from one another, and if discretion is your policy, don't worry, what we tell each other stays with us, doesn't go anywhere else. I'm very open-minded and am willing to try out new things at least once..I mean...you never know what you like and don't like until you try it. Other than that I'm a pretty laid back kinda guy and like to have a good time in general with things outside of the bedroom as well.