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Try Internet Dating With A Guy In Omahain Nebraska
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An interesting person who is controlled by breasts... I am a thinker and an idealist. A good crazy. A healthy crazy.
Omaha, Nebraska
I am a thinker and an idealist, and generally have a more detached style... Detached in a way where I thought I could replace every costly care with breasts... and now... breasts control me... Hmm, maybe an open psychotic (actually I'm healthy, just sort of an iconoclast of how peoples' cares usually work). I believe openness is probably just about as important as anything. Im an INFP/enneagram type five(thinker)/Scorpio. Perhaps I'm crazy, but I'm open, so I thoughtfully take in feedback, and what I absorb in people watching I enter into my value system and overall perspective collection. I then I get back behind the wheel and it's crazy. About all of the people that get to know me would agree that I'm weird, but they all know it's a good thoughtful weird that you can detect sincerity in. A "special feeling" weird. I am thoughtful! I am a strong person in a forward idealistic direction, idealistic as I'm an INFP. The idealistic part of me is pretty much my mode of living and taking things in. It's a very feeling-sensitive type of thing, but the way the feeling-type in me responds is always a very cognitive process, which may make me seem like a thinking type. When this is able to feel free and lighthearted it's capable of new forms humor, absurd-seeming idiosyncracies, the full rotation, sarcastic about sarcasm. Start at art, then you end at formula, start at formula, then end at art. I've been said to be the nicest person ever by a number of people, and that I'm a very good looking person, though my eyes work a little differently, for example, I think I look better with long hair, and when I do have it cut short, my compliments on my looks quadruple... Many people also say I'm very funny, I make people laugh. To some me up... thoughtful, very creative, intuitive, idealistic, weird... I'm a bass player, I'm a gamer, I listen to They Might Be Giants and anything Les Claypool of Primus fame does, and yeah, strong genuine person.