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Can you handel a real, genuine Man?
San Antonio, Texas
If you are sick and tired of looking at guys online, and would like to meet someone real and genuine who can make you feel the way you've always wanted to feel, than I might be writing the most important letter you will ever read. Here's why Are you a truly adventurous woman? If so keep reading, because you may be taking the first step on an amazing adventure that may let you experience things in you mind and body that you never knew existed. What I'm about to say may seem incredibly arrogant, but I'm the type of guy who is willing to take a chance" I've got to get this of my chest before I explode! Are you ready to stop browsing and start spending your time with somebody real? Are you a risk taker? Would you gamble one hour of time for a shot at long lasting bliss? Are you at home reading online profile's while your friends are spending time with there husbands and boyfriends? If all of what I just said sounds like you than keep reading, because you might have just found what you are looking for. I was talking to a friend of mine ( who I used to date) a few days ago, and she said something very intriguing to me " Blake, you look like the male character-hero in a romance novel. You have a large chest, well muscled arms, and a smile thats makes people melt. But what I really notice about you is your long dark eye lashes. Sometimes you overwhelm me with your presence. When we dated, you always created emotional challenges for me-and I loved you and hated you for it. But, every now and then, I could tell you had intense emotions under your strong, controlled exterior. I always felt protected around you, Because I Knew you were a sincere, genuine, truly passionate man. And you truly listened to, and appreciated me for, the woman I am. When I was with you I felt like a woman. You made me feel like no other man has before, and you cant believe how important that was for me."