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straight single man
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Seeking a life less the ordinary
Springfield, Illinois
I'm your typical student, looking for chances to show the world what I can do. Hello! I'm bored with my life right now. I need some action to break out of this rut! I'm the type who's willing to go fast with the body, slow with the soul. I like to kink things up a notch from time to time. The philosophy I live by is stay relaxed, stay mellow, stay loose and be open to whatever happens. I like my partners to be honest. Everything else flows from there. Sexually, I'm an explorer. Want to come along? When I'm at home alone, I divide my time between the television and the computer. I've reached the point where I'm free to do what I want, when I want, with who I want. It feels good. If you contact me I might not reply immediately since I'm new to this and still a bit shy. I look forward to putting the recent past behind me. I'm not changing my life, I'm changing how I live it.