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Meet Local Men In Andover For Wild Timesin Minnesota
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Looking for a woman who has the drive and a desire of a 20 year old, and the wisdom of a 40 year old
Andover, Minnesota
I'm pretty much a home body. Spending the evening chatting w/ friends and neighbors. I prefer small gatherings to big affairs. Enjoy the prospect of picking up and going away for a weekend on the spur of the moment. Just as comfortable cutting the grass on the weekend. I'm looking for someone who makes the relationship a priority in life (don't need or want to be number one, two or even 3 but behind the women that cuts your hair don't do it for me). She'll have a life of her own, but she'll want me to share in that life. She'll be out going, confident w/ just a trace of doubt she'll share only w/ me, she'll have been around long enough to know nothings perfect yet wise enough to focus on the good in all of us. She will have the mind and experience of an adult, but act a little like a when we're alone. (Giggles, jokes, laughs) After the above we'd just see what happens. Most important we have to share the same goals, values and priorities in life. I'm looking for a life partner to grow old with,