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Looking for discreet fun in Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
What are your vital stats? "I'm a guy, 35 years old, college graduate professional. Brown hair, Brown eyes, athletic body I love to play ALL kinds of sports, and I always make sure my lady is happy when she gets up. It's much better to get your preferences clear at the beginning rather than waste your time and the time of others. Again, friendly! People respond much better to "I would like someone who..." or "I'm seeking someone who's open to..." Then, tell it like it is! "Looking for a sexual athlete who can fuck all night long and still beg for more." "I need a girl who can handle a really big dick!" What physical and personality characteristics/habits do you really like? What are you willing to accept? What can you NOT tolerate? "I'm REALLY into watersports - and I don't mean surfing" "I'm a quiet guy, so if you use trapezes in your sex acts, you'll have to be gentle with me at first" "I'm sure you're a nice person, but please, no smokers - I'm allergic to cancer." Don't forget those hip, Internet short forms "BBW seeks SWM for BD/SM" is very cool. "Hey, could someone help me untie these knots?" is not so fashionable. And don't forget pictures! Did you know that a profile with a picture is 600% more likely to get a response than one with no picture?