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Get Wild With Cincinnati Hunks And A Casual Encounterin Ohio
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Cincinnati, Ohio
I believe my numerology reading sums me up the best Expression-7-Yours is the path of the mind. Silence and solitude are your doorways into the deep recesses of the mind and the universe. You are the philosopher, the analyst, the seeker and if you'd be willing, the teacher. The time and energy that you spend discovering the microscopic core of things has gifted you with the ability to tap into psychic energy. It is with this energy that you can separate the true from the false. First Pinnacle-5-The emphasis is on expansion through the mind, through stimulants, or through sensual exploration. Love affairs during this time will be intense and plenty. One may lead to marriage if it is stimulating enough to deter you from all of the likely temptations coming your way. Third Challenge-0-The 0 challenge contains the essence of the previous eight challenges. Any or all of the lessons may be required or it could mean that you were born with an understanding of all nine challenges and you will be required to use your understanding wisely. Life will seem like a pendulum of opposites that you are challenged to bring into balance. 0 challenge holders are deeply romantic, in fact it may seem that they are misplaced souls from an era of chivalry, sacrifice or poetic genius. It is the challenge of 0 to develop discernment when it comes to "helping others", and to evolve a healthy dose of self-Love with which to love others. The number 0 loves with a depth that is seldom understood by those on the other paths. They are life-long searchers for a recipient of their love, their compassion and their selflessness. They must sometimes learn again and again that suffering does not equal love. Never has anything summed me up more perfectly than that.