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Enjoy XXX Dating With Portsmouth Guysin Virginia
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Nice Guy 'We finish Last'
Portsmouth, Virginia
I am a very quiet guy until I decide I like you enough to open up to you. I have a lot of what my friends call intelligence and everyone else calls 'Nerdiness,' because I am a big dork and quite proud of it. I tend to be very direct, up-front and honest. I know what I want and I am not afraid to ask for it. This puts a lot of people off, but on the flip side I tend to be accepting and non-judgemental, treating everyone with respect until they prove to me that they do not deserve it. I don't have or NEED what people call 'game' at all because someone who needs to be lied to and flattered to get them into bed is not someone I want to be with. If I say something, it is because I mean it and for no other reason besides that. When I am with a woman, it is all about her first and me second. You are not a 'bitch, ho, slut, or good time' you are a lady who likes what she sees enough to spend the night with me and I respect that. Your pleasure is paramount, and I get the most pleasure of all from bringing you off. If you aren't having a good time, I'm not having a good time so let me know what you want and I'll do the same for you.