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Get Wild With Fort Wayne Hunks And A Casual Encounterin Indiana
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straight single man
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
I have a shaved head, tattoos, and body piercings, and would like to get more. I also have a tan and work out on a regular basis. I am a very active person. I am into almost anything, and I'm willing to try almost anything once. If I like it I'll try it againif I don't well you know the rest. I write poetry in my spare time and am putting together a book. I am a very outgoing person and like to live life. I like to party and have fun, but I am also very down to earth. What you see is what you get. I am a walking, talking stereotype. I eat bad food, drink too much and smoke, though I'm trying to quit and I should score some character points for that. I don't run marathons, or play professional sports, or compose opera in my spare time. If I have a question I ask it. People don't always like that but Fuck them pardon my language. Another bad habit I won't be shed of. Oh yeah I'm stubborn as hell when I want to be. I've been in my share of relationships, had my heart broken a time or two but that won't stop me from trying again. I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic. I'm very spontaneous and most of the time like immediate gratification. I have too much pride and am very opionionated. I'm a great friend, have a good sense of humor, and I'm a good listener. I value honesty above all else. I know who I am. Know where I came from. Know where I've been. And where I want to be. When It's all said and done I can't lie to myself, so why lie to someone else.