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Meet A Guy In Hudson To Be Your Fuck Buddyin New York
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Food, Fun, & Frolic
Hudson, New York
Handsome (like Humphrey Bogart) down to earth guy who enjoys the simple things in life. To jump in a lake on a hot summer day, or if there's a cool breeze perhaps fly a kite. Both of which, coincidentally, are activities that on more than one occasion, both friend and stranger alike, have suggested I should engage in. Go figure. LOL I am not looking for a "soulmate". After an extensive search in which much time, energy and resources were fruitlessly expended, I have decided to give up the search. I am not averse to the concept of a "soulmate", but if there is one out there for me, I think now I shall let her find me. Instead my focus will be on the search to make new friends who enjoy similar activities as I. Female friends, who like a guy with a great, if somewhat weird and quirky, sense of humor. I'd like to meet a woman who enjoys the simple things in life; family, friends, and sharing good times with those who are held close in heart and mind. Sharing snacks, meals, or feasts, whichever is appropriate, good food, good friends, good times. I have been told I am an excellent cook, it's the Italian in me, and I enjoy cooking very much, it's my "therapy for life". . I am also a good conversationalist, not so much on small talk and trivial matters, but I do enjoy discussing life on this planet, and what a most interesting creature are we humans. I have a serious side, but only like to let it out when absolutely necessary, preferring to be jovial and fun rather than stoic, prim and proper. I recently bought a motorcycle and like to ride in the wind, travel down a road I've never been down before. Find new places and people to meet. If you are interested in learning more let me know.