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Get Laid With A Clarksville Man You're Attracted Toin Tennessee
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Hey it's me
Clarksville, Tennessee
So here I am, on this site not really sure what to expect, or exactly who or what I am looking for. I just know that I am open to new experiences and this may be a way for me to find some. A lil about me.... let's see I'm biracial my father is black and my mother is white, and I'm an army brat, so Clarksville is this first place I have ever called home for more than three years. I am in a relationship that for themost part I am pretty happy in, but to be honest my Libido seems to have more of a charge that her's does, which I guess may be why I'm here looking around, but who knows. Please don't think I'm an asshole for that, but I give her the world and sometimes she has a selfish streak so I guess now it's maybe my time to be selfish ;c)