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Have An Intimate Encounter With A Guy In Borgerin Texas
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I'm rough around the edges, but I'm worth it.
Borger, Texas
I'm completely blue-collar on the outside. Inside I'm a scholar & a wimp. I'm in great shape, no lie. I work hard to stay in shape, even harder now that I'm older. I keep my hair short, & my face scruffy. I have a few tattoos but you can't see them unless I take stuff off. I don't believe in excuses or drama. Been there. I'm also intelligent, I can talk about war & history to great lengths. I like all types of music (except the songs that are terrible), I play classical guitar! I also play piano, banjo (don't laugh, I'm serious!), I listen to Beethoven. I was an award winning actor in high school, even got a few plaques & medals as a wrestler. The problem with me is this I'm very tough on the outside, I'm sarcastic, and I don't feel sorry for fat people. I've got a great sense of humor, but I go over people's heads. Therefore I don't seem funny at all, but I don't care, kinda. I'm sensitive, too--if the lady can put me in a position to be so. I don't whine or pout. I'm very up-front, which if you really think about it, is a rare quality. People usually just bite their tongue and hold a grudge. Don't mistake me for being bossy or overbearing-cuz I'm not...I just don't remain silent when I know someone's lying, being dramatic, or exaggerating. I wear boots & jeans, but I like slacks & shirts, too (I still wear boots). I am a cook, a maid, and a handyman. I'm honest to a fault, but I'm genuine, I'm not mean--I just don't put up with 'it'. But I'm equally sensitive (Just pop in Titanic or Schindler's List). I don't hit- never have, my Mother would kill me. I never raise my voice, although I can be colorful with my language. The news makes me yell. My top two tv channels are History Channel, and Comedy Central. I don't know why. I hope I've been descriptive enough, for any girl that's made it down the page this far.