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Meet A Guy In Amarillo To Be Your Fuck Buddyin Texas
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straight single man
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Just checkin' to see if your here....
Amarillo, Texas
I'm just your normal, everyday, old fashioned kinda guy, that REALLY likes,... ugh,.. "Eatin' At The Y".. I've been told that I do a pretty decent job gettin' a Woman to feel as if she's an "M & M" Chocolate Candy,..to where she actually "Melts" in my mouth,... AND, in my hands".. I gotta admit, I get into watchin' the expressions on a Womans face when she's really gettin' into "The Feel of IT".. Yea, I've been single for a while now, and I'm thinkin' I might be a bit out of practice.. that why I sure could use a New Female Partner, to help me out, with quite a few, (if not MORE) practice sessions.. Ya know.... I actually even MISS, helpin' out a beautiful Woman, on gettin' her to where she's able to hit "The Big O", at least a couple of times,.. or more.. I'd could use YOUR gorgeous body to practice with,.. if you don't mind... after all, YOU'LL be the one receiving the majority of the pleasure... and if it actually looks as if things might work out between us, and you just CAN'T seem to get up enough strength to tell me,..(remember,..10 or more orgasms tend to make a person a bit tired),. or for THAT matter,.. you just don't WANT to tell me, that your not sure if you can actually handle anymore orgasms,.. well then,..I guess I'd just have to give ya a few more,.. just to be sure... If you wanna see just how many times I can "Get You Off", then let me hear from ya.. Ya never know,..we just MIGHT even get ourselves a good relationship goin'.. Who knows,.. So go ahead and email me, and we'll just see what happens.....