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Meet Local Men In Rohnert Park For Wild Timesin California
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I have a grate relationship with my mom, I have clean teeth, and nice shows. ) I'm that bad man YOUR mother wornd you about.
Rohnert Park, California
So what do I want in life you ask? That's easy; the essence of life is to be happy. I want to be happy just like YOU do. And then one might ask what creates happiness? I'm sure YOU know the answer is producing values for others, doing something of real value for someone you care about makes you happy. So I want to produce and create values for society, I want to be time and financially free, I want to grow, learn, and teach, I want to SEE what know one as ever seen before, I want to discover something never discovered before, I want to put some of the grate big massive bright beautiful pieces of life's puzzle together that has never been snapped together before, and I want to make the universe a better place, exedra, exedra, the list goes on and on in my head except the only difference is in my head all those wants are replaced with WILL, DESIRE, DRIVE, LOVE, PASSION, CONSISTENCE, PERSISTANCE, and ACTION. Thanks, yours truly