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Freak seeks Geek - Libertine seeks Lover - Artist seeks Muse
Portland, Oregon
"make love not money!", "vive le revolucion!", 13 moon calendar, adaptability, altered states, anarchism, ancient history, ancient mariners, annunaki, area 51, atlantis, babushkas, bark, bathroom walls, black label, black rock city, blood, booby-traps, bottles, breeding, brie & bread, c3po, cartography, chocolate, coffee, computers, cooking, cosmology, cosmonauts, costumes, crashing, crimethink, crop circles, cryptology, culture jam, cyber punk, deutsche, die heilege gral, digital art, dionysus, disco, diy, donovan, drums, dumpster diving, electronica, electronics, evolution, faustus, fire, flags, flowers, foreign film, free stuff, freezer jam, fucktard, games, geomancy, graffiti, graphic design, guns, hats, heraldry, hip-hop, home-made fashion, home-made parachutes, hookahs, hot tubs, illuminati, independent video, j.r. "bob" dobbs, javier's 24 hour tacqueria, jolly roger, klingon karaoke, knights templar, leisure boats, library relationships, liquid latex, loci & foci, lost civilizations, magick, mary magdalene, masks, mathematics, meditation, merovingians, monogamy, muzik, myhtology, mystery cults, neo-advertising, neuro-linguistic programming, new world order, ninja posse, p.k. dick, pabst blue ribbon, panspermia, patches, performance art, photography, pirate traditon, planet x, plasma model, poetics, polyamory, pranks, progressive multiplicity, pron, propaganda, psychonauts, pulp novels, pure faggotry, puzzles, retro aestheticism, rhythm, ritual, roleplaying, sacred geometry, safety goggles, santa claus, science-fiction, screenprinting, secrets, sex, special devices and otherwise, spying, stenciling, subversity, tank tops, tantra, tea time, team kickball, territoriality, the devil, thelema, thermodynamics, time travel, trans-humanism, transcendental, tribalism, truth, turbulence, turkish baths, turntablism, vandalism, vegan jerky, whiskey, women, worm that never dies, yerba mate.