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Enjoy A Hookup With A Man In Albuquerquein New Mexico
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straight single man
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Looking for adult friends!!!
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'm the kind of guy who is just as comfortable at a party as I am at home watching a movie. I'm a flirt but never a cheat and IF I'm in a relationship I expect the same in return. I like to laugh because for the most part life is too serious anyway. I work very hard at my job and when I'm not working I like to play hard too. I'm not going to say that appearances aren't important to me because you have to have physical attraction in a relationship for it to be exciting. I'm athletic and take care of myself even though going to the gym isn't my favorite thing in the world. If there is one thing I'm most proud of it would be that anyone I've ever dated would have good things to say about me to this day. They'd tell you that I'm caring, loving and very attentive! I've also never had a bad or hurtful breakup. I've never seen any reason to be mean to someone I obviously had feelings for just because things didn't work out.