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Indiana Jones wana-be.
Ventura, California
"Know who you are, Know who you want to be, and Follow your dreams..." The outdoor nature of my character has led me all over the world through 30 countries and 35 major cities. Ridden elephants in Thailand, kayaked in the Sea of Cortez, hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu, dove in the Channel Islands, seen Cambodia from a pickup truck, canyoneering slot canyons in Zion, and chased trains all over Europe. Been to numerous state and national parks. Avid rock climber, runner, big game spear fisherman, hiker, mountain biker, cyclist, and kayaker. Favorite sport is mountaineering. Rock climbed in California, Zion NP, Wind Rivers Range, and in Thailand, Germany, Czech Republic, Peru, and Sweden. My bests include Mount Shasta in 5h 32min, and highest summit is Chanchani Volcano in Peru at 6075m/19931 ft. Rode a bicycle 1800 miles from Canada to Mexico in 21 days. My occupation is Magic Builder. You guessed it, I know all the secrets, no I wont tell. Any live performance you have seen, from N'SYNC to Broadway, The Oscars to David Copperfield, I have built custom magic props for it. Love great pictures, music of every kind and beat, deep and long conversation, beautiful people (inside and out), and outdoor gear. I want to be Indiana Jones on the Travel Channel. Personal philosophy is simple. Like most things I am nothing and I only have one real obligation in life; to make myself happy. I believe To never settle for second best, Always do what is best for you, Being upset or mad, arguing or fighting is a waste of time, Surround yourself with the people you most want to be like, Persistence and desire is what separates those who make it to the top and those who do not. Persistence comes from the mind and desire comes from the heart, There should never be any reason to fight with your partner, Be proud for the things you have done not for the things you say or think, not to complain, and we're all crazy. I am a romantic and a dreamer