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Smart, witty, athletic male, I travel all over the world
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Well, I've made it...I've after years of study, work, military service in the Coastguard I've landed the great job, found the perfect place, drive the nice car...now I'm looking to fill in the rest of the picture with the focal subject. The girl that fits, OR dirty partying in the process of the search. I grew up in a small town in missouri, but now I travel the world installing machines that make semiconductors. It's exciting and fun but also brutal. Picture working on a hot rod, but the hot rod has dangerous voltages and deadly chemicals...don't worry it's pretty safe if you know what your doing, and there's plenty of safeguards in place. The downside to the job and the real catch as it were is I do travel quite a bit, it's surely not as harsh as those brave brothers trying to establish peace across the seas. The longest I might be gone is four weeks. But this does make it difficult to meet someone, especially someone sexy when in competition with everyone else. I see it this way, everyone has potential, it's our flaws and vices that make us compatable. Some difference just won't work eg. a crack head and a health nut, a pervert and a someone pious...etc. I know what I want and what will fit, even if you don't if your just looking for some fun that's what I'm doing right now. I'm one of those idiots that buys a round for the entire bar if I'm having a good night. A little bit of honesty, never really hurt anyone, and honestly I know looking online has a stigma to it, I don't have time to go out and find the right one, I'd probably just end up frustrated and or an alcoholic checking out bars all the time. In this "spirit" I'm asking to be trusted that I can show you a good time. In the meantime I'd like to look around, meet people and party with those with alternative lifestyles. I'm looking for now, to find someone or couples to take out when I'm home, to pamper and have fun with.