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Try An Affair With Men In Lake Elsinorein California
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straight single man
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Don't want to deal with most of the bars and clubs here, so I'm gonna try to find someone that's real!
Lake Elsinore, California
I gotta be real now, huh? Well allritey then!I'm a clean white guy with brown hair and eyes. I keep my hair cut real short for managability. I like to think I'm intelligent, open minded and never be judgemental toward anybody! Definate no-no. I'm 41 years of age, but don't act or come across like I think someone my age would. I'm a very active guy who's pretty much always on the move when working at work or an a project car or around the house. I automatically motivate toward the easiest way to do something, but don't getfrustrated when it doesn't come out as planned. Which occurs quite often, which is frustrating! That all gets left behind when it comes to women that I'm attracted to! I WORK for the initial impression. I've got to show Integrity,caring,that I'm outgoing and confident of the things I can accomplish. Like the prospect of a sexual encounter of the most spectacular proportions. This is where I also concentrate greatly is my partners complete satisfaction. If She's not satisfied? I'm not done until she is satiated. I'm very aware of the opposite gender! I go thru a grocery store, I'm always on the lookout!