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Try An Affair With Men In Clearwaterin Florida
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straight single man
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I always wanted to have my head between two pussy's at the same time
Clearwater, Florida
Here's me-long, brown hair(about 8 inches past my shoulders,, ACTUALLY - I JUST CUT IT SHORT),love to laugh, I've had many friends tell me I look much younger than I really am(I still get carded, charity???). Motorcycles were a way of life for me for years, and after a major accident 20 years ago, believe it or not, I still ride. I've been riding for 39 years, been in the business for 20 years before leaving, burned out on that and pursuing culinary school as a new direction and career. I think i'm funny and can tell a good joke, love live music venues. Basically, I'm a jeans and t-shirt guy, but I can look good and dress up when the occasion demands it. Very laid back(I LOVE a low key, low stress environment). I'm also good-natured. Thin, trim, athletic, gotta be able to move, ya know? Straight teeth, and a decent butt, I'm told. I'm not hung up on physical features, however, I do have my likes and dislikes. I'm a smartass, so anyone who tries to match wits with me better be prepared ( You're a daisy if ya do) someone who is on the gas all the time, yet can take a pitstop and hang at the house instead of going out. I'm a self-proclaimed Tequila Elitist. Italian and Spanish red. I also like good, American-made sippin whiskey, although I'm not about to refuse a glass of imported, aged, Single-Malt by any means. I'm not a drinker, those days are gone, but what I like to drink is stated. Closet Guitarist.