How To Seduce Woman Via Text Emojis 1

How To Seduce A Woman Using Text & Emojis

Seducing a women these days requires much less face-to-face interaction than it used to; you can fully seduce a woman and get her to your place without even meeting her in person, thanks to hookup apps like Tinder. There's a finesse to doing this properly though. Seducing a women through text messages and emojis is an art, and it's not something that works for everyone if you don't know what you're doing. You have to balance your emoji use with your frequency of messages, and use the right emojis that apply to the woman you've got your eye, and whatever it is you're talking about. You can't just bust out any emoji at any time, it needs to apply to what one of you has said, which may seem obvious, but it's worth noting.

To seduce a woman via texts and emojis, check out her social media profiles to see what kinds of emojis and status language she uses, and mimic that when you're texting her. Don't forget to infuse your own personality into the mix, and don't overdo it with the emojis either - one per message, maximum! If you want to secure a woman through text, you also never want to barrage her inbox; keep your cool.

Don't worry if you aren't an expert at text flirting already - we're about to give you a full run-down on how to seduce a woman via text and emojis. It's a lot easier, and a lot less silly, than it might seem. People communicate over their phones more than anything else these days, so you have to be on the ball if you want to get into the dating world and not only meet genuine date hookups, but how to seduce these ladies as well.

How To Seduce Woman Via Text Emojis 2

Do Some Sleuthing

This is commonplace in modern dating; you have to look into your date before you meet them, so you know what you're in for. It's kind of helpful when you think about it, because you can find things out beforehand about this person which might help you better prepare for your upcoming night. Maybe your upcoming date is a vegetarian, and the date spots you were looking at were meat-oriented. Sleuthing ahead of time works in your favor here, because you can change your plans to suit her dietary preferences, for one.

There is a way to look into your potential wrong, however, so don't go too heavy and become a full-on creep. We're going to tell you how to keep things legit, while still finding out pertinent info about your date that you can use to your advantage in connecting with, and seducing them. It's actually really easy to do, and it requires almost no effort whatsoever on your part, except a few clicks.

Check Her Social Media Accounts

This is the #1 way to find things about your date. The best scenario is if she has her accounts set to public viewing, because then you can find out not only about things that she likes that you can use during conversation, but you can find out more about her as a person. As creepy as it might sound, it's pretty much the norm these days in dating, and in every day life. It's a great way to see what kind of emojis she uses, and what ones seem like her favorites. You can use this to your advantage when you're trying to seduce her via text.

Check out what kinds of things she likes to share and post, what some of her interests are based on what's on her profile. The best places to check are Facebook and Instagram, because they're the most commonly used ones, and people tend to showcase themselves and their personalities more than they would on, say, Twitter. If her profiles are private, DO NOT add her as a friend to lurk her before you've gone out or even met in person - that sends the wrong message, which definitely makes you come off a creeper.

Talk To Mutual Friends

If the two of you have mutual friends in common, casually ask them about her before your date. This is a perfectly normal and acceptable thing to do. It's how people learned about their dates before the age of the internet, and it's still more than okay to use this method still. Ask about some of the things she likes to do, what she might like to talk to about, what she's looking for in a guy. Get a low-down on her, without getting too much in the process. You're looking for ideas and inspiration on things to talk about when you message her, not her life story, so don't go too in depth.

If you want to be straight up with it, ask what kinds of emojis she uses, what she likes to talk about, things she might be into in a non-platonic sense. How much you ask here really depends on how close you are to this friend, and how close they are to her.

How To Seduce Woman Via Text Emojis 3

Do's & Don't's

Like we said, there's a right and wrong way to seduce a women via text and emojis, so it goes without saying that there are do's and don't involved in this scenario. A number of things we're about to tell you are going to be obvious, but they're important enough to be doubly sure that you get it! These are some things that you absolutely want to avoid to doing when you're trying to seduce a woman via text and emoji, as well as some things that you definitely want to do!

Remember that we're simply giving you advice and helpful suggestions, but if you know this woman personally, and you think that going another route with it will be more successful, have at it! You clearly know this lady better than us at thing point, so if you know this woman prior to giving the text-seduction as go, the ball is really in your court. But as a rule, these are things that you want to follow if you're hooking up with or trying to seduce someone new.

Don't Overuse Emojis

As popular as they are, there is such a thing as overusing emojis! You can imply with what you say in text, so if you're emphasizing each and every sentence with an emoji that's saying the same, that's overkill; there's no need for it. Unless you're having an emoji-based conversation (which is possible, and fun to do), try to limit your emoji use to one per text, if that. Limit yourself to one per text if you're emoji-crazy, otherwise you can get away with using one every other text.

If you're trying to be flirtatious and seductive, sending a solo emoji message is okay too. For instance, we all know what the eggplant emoji symbolizes aside from an actual eggplant. This is a tricky one though, because you can only use it with someone you've already slept with, or it's mutually understood that you're going to be having sex. Generally, we suggest you avoid using this if you haven't this woman yet - it's the emoji equivalent of a dick pic.

Do Be Expressive

It's so incredibly hard to carry on a text conversation with someone who gives very little back. To keep things going, and interesting, you have respond with more than single word answers. You also need to include a follow-up; something that gives her a reason to message you back. You never, ever want her to feel like she's struggling to find something to say to you, or that you're not interesting in continuing the text convo. Using only a few words, and zero emojis, is a huge no-no if you truly want to seduce this woman. Show her that you're interested in texting with her by being expressive in your messages and replies.

The occasional exclamation point goes a long way in text conversations, so keep that in mind when you're trying to show your interest or enthusiasm. There's no need to overdo it, but if you're answering in the affirmative, there's usually room for a exclamation point at the end. Use your discretion about where to use it, but don't forget that it exists.

Don't Barrage Her Inbox

It's oh so easy to come off as stalker-eqsue during the course of seducing a woman, and the easiest way to do that is to fill her inbox with message. At some point, it stops mattering what you're saying, and only matters how many un-replied-to messages you've sent her. If she's interested, she'll reply to you, but you also need to give her some time to do so. She might be busy at work, or doing any number of things, but just because you don't get an immediate response, doesn't mean you need to send a follow-up.

You want to come off as cool here, and barraging her with flirtatious text messages is the exact way to be the opposite of that. That's red-flag territory, and you never want to be there when you're trying to seduce a woman. Play it cool, wait for her to reply, and then keep the convo going. That's all you need to do.

Do Use Your Research

Try to use emojis she seems to use a lot, or might like based on what you've seen her use on her social media accounts. Believe it or not, you can bond with someone over mutually-like emojis, because they're an extension of self-expression of sorts. If you two share a common like of a certain emoji, it goes to reason that you might have other things in common. This doesn't have to be said, and often isn't, but it's somehow understood. This is why your odds of seducing a woman via text emojis go up a ton if you can use ones that you know she enjoys.

As we said before, it's important to express your own personality, so be sure to use emojis and text styles that you like as well. It's important to keep your own style of communicating, while including some methods from hers as well. This is the key to a successful text seduction.

Don't Sext

The surest way to come off as a creepy dude is to prematurely sext a woman. If you haven't met up in person yet avoid sexting her at all costs. The only exception is if she's a sex hookup, then it's an entirely different scenario. But if you're trying to seduce a woman that you know, or that you want to have an ongoing sexual relationship with, hold off on the sexting for now.

Emojis that you want to steer clear of here include the eggplant, the banana, the finger-up, and any naughty combinations of others. Seducing a woman via text and emoji is a delicate process, and sending her sexts that she isn't down for is the quickest way to screw things up. Luckily, it's just as easy to avoid doing, now that you're aware.

Do Be Yourself

Women tend to be more attracted to men that they feel that they know; they aren't as keen on sleeping with a complete stranger as you might be. Part of your text seduction is going to include letting her get to you a little bit, while you do the same. Let her get a sense of who you are through your text style and emoji choices. It's not difficult - just text her like you'd text anyone else in your life, but with a flirtatious edge accompanied by a flirtatious emoji.

The last thing you want to do when you're seducing a women via text is mislead her that you're someone you're not, unless, of course, this is a one-time hookup that's strictly about sex and nothing else. But if you want to see (and sleep with) this woman more than once, make sure you be yourself and show her who you are as a person, not just in the bedroom. This matters for women, even if it might not matter for you.


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